For the past couple weeks I've been simmering on a low boil. People who know me will attest I don't play the "white man is out to get me" thing. I am a firm believer that no matter your ethnicity, you are your biggest roadblock. When faced with a situation, one should eliminate all other contributions before settling on race. I've had just as many black people do dirty things to me as I have others. I can also look back on my life and find many more others who have encouraged or helped me when I needed it. I've been accused of denying or forgetting I am black. Not sure how that happens but okay. The last couple weeks though, or more the last year, has seen me speak more and more on black issues. My effort is to try to help my other friends, associates and acquaintances understand why black people feel the way they do. So let me try a different tack. Let me lay it out from my perspective.
On the political front you have Republicans who are trying to feed the black community, from a long handle spoon, the idea that Democrats have used and abused us. They Dems have kept us beholden to them with social programs and ideas of hope. That's such complete and utter bullshit. It's because of those social programs that we can try to live a semblance of a decent, dignified life. Let's talk about the Republicans. When asked what have they done for us, they crown in glory is Lincoln freed the slaves. These people have never read the document. I was inclined to read it years ago when my Economics instructor challenged me on whether or not the proclamation really freed the slaves. I was humbled to concede it did not. The Emancipation Proclamation is documented as Lincoln's act to end slavery. In fact, he did not wish to end ALL slavery. He intended to end slavery in the states which had ceded the Union. Read the document. It stated "states in rebellion." At the time, there were slave states which were not in rebellion. Communication being what it was in those days and the way of human nature, people heard the words slaves, free in the same sentence and off it went. Now after the information is passed far and wide, there is no way Lincoln can contradict this right? So yeah he freed the slaves, by accident.
Then they hang their hats on the 15th amendment. Well again, that was just window dressing. Let me set the stage. Since 1863, black people were considered free but the government did nothing to make them whole. They were left to the machinations of things like the night riders aka KKK, Jim Crow laws, segregation and any other local law people saw fit to enact. Imagine even in northern states there were separate bathrooms and eating areas. So we come to 1870 and the government puts another band aid on the issue by ratifying an amendment to allow black people to vote. Except they specifically noted race, color or previous servitude. This meant states, especially southern states had to get crafty. They did and blacks were still largely prevented from voting. It would be a hundred years after being given their freedom before blacks would see some type of equality with he Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Both of these measures passed with a majority of Democratic votes. Suck on that Republicans.
So with the orange dude talking about blacks in impoverished neighborhoods and broken homes has been grating on my nerves. A man who is a serial philanderer, has been married three times, has a total of five kids from these marriages wants to talk about broken homes? The cajones it takes to do that and act like you're a savior is mind boggling. Further, it's an inaccurate picture of the black community. His data is way off and there is just as many troubled children in two parent homes as in one parent. I guess his stepford family is supposed to be a model. My biggest issue is he and his cronies saying Democrats want to keep black people impoverished. Democrats are the only ones who have tried to help us but neither party has our best interest at heart. They are the ones using us as a tool to get votes.
Let's level set. Black people are not clueless to the failings of the Democratic party or their candidate. Black people just aren't interested in hearing promises from a guy who has spent his whole life plotting against us. You cannot wipe away the investigations which found he would not rent to minorities simply because they weren't white. You cannot hide the full page ad he put on the central park five. We know about the firing of black dealers in his casinos. Most importantly, we know his degrees were bought and paid for by his daddy. The man has the intellect of a stoner. I take that back. a crackhead is smarter than this guy. Black women are the fastest growing group with secondary and post graduate degrees. Contrary to what you might believe, there are more black men sitting in college than standing on a corner. GOP stop pandering to the lowest common denominator. It won't work.
To all the black people who are getting on his bandwagon, remember, you are still just a black person. Ride his train all you want. In the end, you will get squashed with the rest of us if the evil he has stirred up continues to rise.
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